Unique Fantasy Football Trophies – Custom Fantasy Football Bobbleheads

Football season is great. The beer, the wings, the pizza, the hanging out with friends and screaming at the television on Sunday afternoons. And with fantasy football, you get to scream at things all day, rather than just while your favorite team is playing. These days, we’re often guilty of getting more excited when our fantasy football players score than when our favorite team does.

If that’s a wrong thing to do, then I don’t want to be right.

Sure, you’ve probably got some money on your fantasy football season. Cash prizes… how pedestrian. These leagues are more about pride and bragging rights than a couple hundred bucks, so award a trophy more appropriate. Award something that reminds friends of your superiority every time they visit. And what’s cooler than a custom bobblehead designed to look like the winner?

You can inscribe the team name and year on the base too! Use his or her favorite team’s colors, or an outfit that defines that person. Add accessories as you please to make it a memorable piece to go on the shelf to show off with pride for years to come. Take a look at this example of what we can do!

Great prize for a Packers Fan

Great prize for a Packers Fan

Awesome prize for a Packer’s fan who wins your league, and maybe an equally awesome trophy for a last place Bear’s fan team. Although, it’s an awesome, hand-crafted item – it would be sad to have it broken in half and thrown at something.

Or a last place prize for a Bears fan

Last place prize for a Bears fan

You could even get a 2-on-1 stand with a great bobblehead of your winner and an embarrassing one of the person in last place. Or even the winner with the best player on his team (this year, maybe a tiny sculpture of David Johnson could literally be carrying you).

We have stock body’s where you just need to select some personal attributes and provide photos to customize the head. You can view our football bobblehead here.

Or of course you could go with our most popular bobblehead: the completely custom head-to-toe bobblehead.

With two weeks left to go before your fantasy football final and then about another month until the Super Bowl, that’s the perfect amount of time to create an awesome trophy of your winner and present it at the big game. Your Super Bowl party isn’t complete without a kick-ass centerpiece, and this is just the thing.

Good luck in the fantasy football playoffs, and we look forward to creating a magical little sculpture to commemorating your victorious season!